Welcome to the Test Kitchen, where you bring the juice and together we make the sauce. 🙌

Note: Italicized language is for the facilitator to read to themselves, the rest is meant to be spoken aloud at their discretion.*

Note*: This recipe is meant to be adapted and tweaked to suit each group’s tastes. You are encouraged to remove or replace any steps that don’t feel authentic.*

Preparation 👨‍🍳


Note: We recommend giving up to 10-15 mins to arrive and if folks aren’t able to arrive in that window, we advise closing the kitchen so as to not disrupt the flow.


Since some of us may not be familiar with one another, let’s take a moment for introductions.

Note: Feel free to do so by turn, or simultaneously in the chat, depending on time


Now that we’ve cleaned the kitchen and know who we’re cooking with, let’s go over some housekeeping items.


The Cooking Process 🥘

Preface: It’s okay to be slow to respond; remember some sauces need time to simmer.

Kitchen Inventory:

Note: Kitchen inventory is optional if you feel participants have capacity to answer spontaneously and/or the group is short on time

Take a few minutes (1-5) to check in with yourself. We’ve set the container and now it’s time to fill it.

Here are some Primer Questions for reflection:

Note: At Facilitator’s discretion, written below is a possible assist in reflection (after 30 sec-1 min):


Note: Each numbered section is ONE share per person. Please allow everyone in the kitchen to share before you move on to the next number.*

Note*: Time recommendations are based off of a group of 5 with a 90 minute time window.*

  1. Juice **(Up to 1 minute / per share)

  2. Substance ** (Up to 3 minutes / per share)

Note: There’s space to get into detail in the sauce portion. This is a space to share quick, stream of consciousness elements that are present with you.